What’s So Special About Tempur-Pedic?
The top of the line brand we sell at The SleepZone Mattress Centers is Tempur-Pedic. You’ve probably heard the brand name before. Tempur-Pedic is headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky. They have been making superior sleep systems for over 30 years. Tempur-Pedic... read more
Tips for Choosing Your Next Mattress
Are you waking up periodically throughout the night? Do you have a sore back in the morning? Does your mattress just not feel as comfortable as it used to? Then, it may be time for a new mattress. Most mattresses last for about 7-8 years before the support starts to... read more
What to Expect from Your New Mattress
All mattresses manufactured in the United States are hand-assembled, sometimes resulting in unique characteristics which may include but are not limited to skipped threads, contoured seams, etc. These production characteristics in no way affect the... read more
11 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Mattress
There are a few important recommendations we have that will help ensure a long life for your mattress. 1. Purchase a new box spring and bed frame The box spring and bed frame represent about 20% of the total cost of a mattress set. However, many people feel like they... read more